1- In an effort to save me from drowning in dozens of various magazines that are just stacked around my room (actually, stacked is not the best word in this case. Magazines that are said to be stacked leave you to wonder off with an impression of something being clean. This is not intended here--- my room is a complete and utterly horrible mess!!!!), my parents suggested that I throw some away. After some harsh papercuts around my feet (ouch&ew.... but mainly ouch) I finally surrendered and said some heartbroken farewells with old Vogues, Elles, Figaro Madames, etc. etc.
2- I was busy panicking for the essay I hadn't, and still haven't, written. Basically, you need to read a whole book to write it, and well, I kind of... um... left it in my locker for vacation. In other words, I'm doomed! Why does this happen to me?
Anyway, back to the magazines. I picked out some random ones that I really like, from my mega collection, and heeeere they are. *drumroll*